
The fennec is a small fox with big ears that lives in the deserts of North Africa. It can hear what we cannot determine.  I’m not referring to other frequencies but to other sounds/noise.  The other sound.  The sound of the other. The other sound in which we can hear sound. The sound of our voice outside. What we have not heard yet but have heard of and are promised to hear.  What we have already overheard and/or misheard: the desert.


It is the  audible warmth (soundscape) :

            the house of a moment (evaporated)

 in a second not a thought

                                    yet first (the occasion) only occurs on
what only time will tell
                                    (twice) the I eyes

upon some floating scribble (once more) or a surface:
                                                the paper-cover unfolds
and envelops its noise of chalk
to capitulate : from : a seashell : sea drenched

this new chaptered dress  of salt temporally stormed
                        murmurs its pores to
                                                            this loudness

the chorus:       :                      

barely /      \

long ago hours / creased then seeded \

/untangled  clocks/

unlike taylor-made\ zig-zags /catch/ victory and snippets :

naked-knots decoded/ from word-woven\ stripped :

the background /the mongrel dog /

the village outskirts/timbered \for a while\wait \\

victorian table legs will reveal

                                                lateness when the object’s range is four times 

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